For example:
- Today is cleaning day so I have to hoover and dust my bedroom.
- I also have three power points to be in this following week (two have to be in on Thursday) so I need to get some done today as well.
- I've been neglecting to do any ritual or meditative work so I need to find space for that.
- I also want some free time to do things I like doing to unwind (reading, blogging etc)
- It's also Sunday, so I need be to in bed at a reasonably hour for work tomorrow.
It amazes me constantly when I read others blogs or posts how well they can manage all these daily things and still have time left over without breaking a sweat. Maybe when I'm done with college, and hopefully have my own flat, I'll be in a position where I can devote more time to each without distractions.
I've read somewhere that cleaning the home can be turned/seen as a ritual (I suppose, cleansing the sacred space and what not) but I don't know if I can get past the 'oh-god-another-chore' feeling and look at it as something to look forward to just yet.
I have been lighting up the candles on Loki's corner lately but it doesn't feel like anything because I haven't been giving enough effort in my other areas. It feels like he's taken leave from the altar for the mean time until I can muster up something.
It's funny how earlier this year it was constant dream after dream, and now it's very quiet - probably because I'm focusing so much on college now rather than earlier this year when I was pouring over the Edda's and thinking about them constantly.
Other Lokeans, and I, have all noticed that he does have periods when he's very 'there' and other times where he's flown off for a while (away planning something big) and come back.
I'm hoping, internally, that he hasn't decided to hand me over to Odin for a little while - if he has then there's nothing I can really do; but after that dream and the way I acted, I've got the feeling that Odin will push me even harder in whatever he's there to teach me about. Eek.
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