9 Sept 2011

Loki's Altar

I was writing up some tarot card meanings into my little book earlier this evening when Loki invaded my head space.

"...A cloth would brighten up the altar..."

I had been thinking about doing up Loki's altar for a while but never got round to doing it; but I was up and scrounging about for something nice as soon as he'd finished.

My Mum keeps rolls of satin-y fabrics, which she uses for making things - like skirts, when her youth group need some for their yearly show, or when my sister and I had to make things for our Art projects.
So I had a rummage. I had been hoping for some red, but all I found that was close second was a dark orange colour. It'd have to do, beggars can't be choosers.

So I got the cloth settled onto the altar (I found that rather then having the edges dangling and getting caught, I could wrap the cloth around and under the glass surface top - present wrapping skills do come in handy) but it was still lacking something.
Then I hear Loki again.

"...Go find a picture of me and put it behind the candles..."

Onto the internet I go for a while, and I chose this image of Loki by Arthur Rackham, which I've printed, laminated and framed.

The reason I chose that illustration by Rackham is it's a long joke between me, my friends, and Loki:
In our Art class a few years back (I'd only just come into being interested in Loki then), part of our coarse work was to write an essay about two different artists and to analyse one of their works each.
I was being a rebel and chose Figurative as one of my mediums (most people choose either still life or fantasy and imagination, so I was a first in a long time to choose that).
I was given a list where I could choose my two figure artists from, about a hundred or so names.
Randomly, I picked Rackham, and started looking for a picture...and the first one that pops up is that one of Loki.
Cue friends laughing and saying that Loki must have caused that to happen, out of all the other artists to pick on the list it had to be that guy, and how I've not much choice but to write about that picture. And I did! A full extra 500 words on his picture alone (I was told later to cut it down to a sensible length, damn). So yeah, I've got fond memories with that illustration.

Anyways, along with Loki's picture, I printed off a picture of Yggdrasil which is now above my bed, and a list of runes and their meanings to keep in my folder of useful things.

It's still not as good or pretty as some altars I've seen (no room for sheep skulls, flowers or hundreds of crystals and candles) but it's getting there; the orange is so eye catching though, which I feel is what Loki likes the most about it - it can't be ignored! >:D


  1. You have a lovely altar. An altar is personal, between you and your God. You don't need sheep skulls, crystals, or flowers. Whatever works!!

    Be Blessed!

  2. Thank you for the comment :D
    I'm pretty happy with how the altar has worked out. I'm trying to be on the look out for things Loki (and me) would like on it, as it is for him, ..... but I was kidding about the skulls and such- having a skull near my bed would really just creep me out ;)
