26 Sept 2011

More Dreams and Such

I had a flash of a dream I'd had either last night or the night before;

I was with a little girl, who I sensed as my daughter, and I appeared as older and more mature. I was speaking to her, saying words from the Eddas and pronouncing them slowly so she could repeat them back. One of the words I remember was Ragnarok, and I said it so softly, making sure I said each syllable and letter correctly that it almost sounded like I had a northern accent - more so than my normal Scots accent. 'Rhag-nar-ock'. And she smiled up at me; not speaking, just us smiling at each other before I moved on to the next word.

In other news, I bought a cinnamon Yankee candle for Loki's altar, as well as a bracelet of carnelian stones: I was going to originally buy one made from chips beads, but I saw one which had nice, smooth, chunky stones instead. It also feel nicer and has a more reassuring weight on my wrists*. I showered with it on so it got a cleanse, and now feels even lighter. I love it :)

Besides from those two, I actually went out and bought clothes for once. I don't think the family has quiet recovered just yet.

*My wrists are really sensitive, and I hate people or heavy things (like some bracelets or watches) touching them, so I can only wear certain ones which don't irritate the skin so much, like the chip beads probably would have. 
If it does irritate the skin, I either feel really sick, or if someone has touched them to get my attention, I pretty much jerk my whole arm and body away violently - it's a shocking reaction when you first see me do it, then it apparently gets amusing...or so all my mates say.
Just a little personal fun fact about me there.

17 Sept 2011

Hearing things

I've only just woken up properly. A few minutes ago I was dreaming and it came to a part in the dream were my sister and I were looking up a calender, and pointed at the 30th which had been marked as an anniversary (no idea whose, not our parents anyways).

At this point I was almost awake, trying to stay in the dream to see the end when I heard a whistled note beside my bed. I ignored it and it did it again but with a diffident pitch.
I opened my eyes, no one there. I breathed through my nose a few times, to see that it was me. It wasn't.
So now I'm hearing people whistling by my bed - great.

Last week I had heard something as well,  but I didn't type it up.
I was relaxed in bed, trying to drop off when I heard "Mam" (Mum) and lots of little kids giggling. I then heard a man shouting at them for shrieking, which lead to him snarling at them, while they continued to laugh and scream...but I was debating whether that was just me, as it wasn't as prominent as that first word.

I've read before that when we're on the edge of falling asleep or waking up, it is like we're in a relaxed trance like state (or something along those lines) so it's easier to heard, feel or see things - like ghosts, deities, gods.
I don''t know if it was Loki whistling at me, but it feels like something he'd do to get my attention.

It's not just in my sleep though: last night, before bed, I had heard something metallic (like my necklace chain or my charm bracelet) being moved on the altar- just a tinkling sound as it did. I turned round when I heard that, and looked about for something that could have moved them to make the noise.
I got the mental image if Loki sitting on my bed, beside the altar, poking at my/his things, looking completely fascinated. He had shorter hair now, which is quite amusing to me - suits him though.

That's my bit, will try typing other stuff I hear when they happen.

14 Sept 2011

Semi good day

I had a dream last night that my bus driver was being an absolute dick and I had to flag down another bus, who wouldn't tell me how much I was for my fare.

Annnnnd this morning my bus was half an hour late! Normally when I leave my house at 8am, I only have to wait about ten minutes tops for a bus to come up my road. It also means I usually arrive in the town about 8:30am and I can walk into college, buy my breakfast and be outside my class by 8:45am or near enough. I only just managed to get into my class on time.

The best bit is though, that there is this one driver (let's call him Mr Baldy) who I can't stand. He won't give me my single fare into town, he only lets me buy returns or All Day tickets (I'm serious, he wouldn't give me a single no matter what).
Here's how our morning conversations go:

Me: £1.40 to Guild Street please.
Him: *takes my money* Are you a student.
Me: Yes.
Him: *holds hand out* Student Card.
Me: I don't have one yet.
Him: *glare* £1.40. Are you at college?
Me: I am, yes.
Him: Hmm. St. Paul's Street - £1.90.
Me: I don't want to go to St. Paul's Street - I want off at Guild Street!
Him: Fine. You'd better buying a return.
Me: No thanks, just the single.
Him: No, it's cheaper.
Me: No it's not, I just want the single.

But this time I am fuming mad, there's a huge queue behind me, I am running late because of him and I just want a single bloody ticket to Guild Street - I don't want a return fare for £3.60 or to go another street! Just give me what I asked and get me there! And he only does it to me! No one else! They can get their tickets and be in their seats within fifteenth seconds, I have to battle and negotiate before I can get mine. And no, he's not trying to be helpful; he's just trying to waste my time and get more money off me, and becomes more unco-operative the more I don't do what he says and buy the more expensive (and in my case useless) All Day ticket.

Thankfully there's other drivers who are much nicer and give you the right fare, no backchat, with smile. They are the ones who really deserve the 'Thank you!' when you jump off at your stop. I only say it to Mr Baldy because I'm polite. The arsehole.

On the plus side, when I went book hunting I found all three books that I wanted on offer (pick and match, 3 for 2)! Horray!

Downside, my sister just crushed my dream of taking a parapsychology coarse by being an utter kill joy over how I'd never get a job. Even though I'd get a Ph.D out of it and could do other medical or psychological topics after.
Really though, I have less chance of getting a job as a photographer if I stick with this photography coarse: you'd be more likely to get a good job with a degree in a medical/science rather than with a HND in photography, surely?

Not get a good job...who'd want to hire someone with a degree in ghost hunting....Just look at Dr. Ciaran O'Keeffe, my dear sister. I'm sure his woe over having an unusual degree is softened by the sound of fame and money in his pocket. Just sayin'.


I was leaving to go to Mum's youth group on Monday night when I noticed that the wax from my burner had some how spilt onto the cloth and mostly over Loki's picture.
It could have been when I was blowing out the candle, the night before that, and I must have blown the melted wax over the rim, but there is no way that it could have reached that high on his picture. Maybe he doesn't like it, maybe it was something else. Or it really was just me, but I would have noticed it splashing out. I dunno.
Luckily, the glass plate the cloth is wrapped about is equal-sided so I just turned it around so it hid the marks left over. I managed to have to scrap the wax off of the glass and frame of his picture later that night. I guess if it really was him and he really didn't like it, I'll probably know it soon enough (I wouldn't put it past him knocking it off the table or hiding it if it offends him that much).

11 Sept 2011

Bed-time jitters?

Was just reading a post on another blog, where they were talking about feeling their god when they touched them, and another on actually seeing them.

I had sat back for a sec, just thinking about what I read, when I then got this huge lurching feeling in my back.

Keeping in mind that I was sitting upright, it felt like something was pushing inwards, and my throat started gagging because of it, which was then making me feel sick to top it off.
It pulled back and did it again a few more times before it stopped.

It wasn't just one spot on my back; it pushing on my entire back, plus my neck and head, all at once.
It then stopped and I sat still for a minute or two going 'WTF was that?' before typing this up - dunno, just felt like I had to get it down, it was just weird.

And as I'm typing this, I've got this blocked humming sound in my left ear too.

I'm off to sleep now - fuck me, I've had a weird day.

Update - 11/9/11
I still wasn't feeling all that safe when I was in bed, so I ended up drawing Algiz on my forehead and above my bed for protection and assistance. Slept like a baby after that.

10 Sept 2011

Loki's Altar 2

I lit up the candles for the first time on his new 'corner', and left him the other half of the cookie I had for lunch.
Apparently I didn't have to worry about the orange cloth as the red glass on the candle holders really cast a glow everywhere.

Here's some pictures anyways (click for a better view):

Hopefully when I finally get my own place, I can give him more space for his altar, but till then...

9 Sept 2011

Loki's Altar

I was writing up some tarot card meanings into my little book earlier this evening when Loki invaded my head space.

"...A cloth would brighten up the altar..."

I had been thinking about doing up Loki's altar for a while but never got round to doing it; but I was up and scrounging about for something nice as soon as he'd finished.

My Mum keeps rolls of satin-y fabrics, which she uses for making things - like skirts, when her youth group need some for their yearly show, or when my sister and I had to make things for our Art projects.
So I had a rummage. I had been hoping for some red, but all I found that was close second was a dark orange colour. It'd have to do, beggars can't be choosers.

So I got the cloth settled onto the altar (I found that rather then having the edges dangling and getting caught, I could wrap the cloth around and under the glass surface top - present wrapping skills do come in handy) but it was still lacking something.
Then I hear Loki again.

"...Go find a picture of me and put it behind the candles..."

Onto the internet I go for a while, and I chose this image of Loki by Arthur Rackham, which I've printed, laminated and framed.

The reason I chose that illustration by Rackham is it's a long joke between me, my friends, and Loki:
In our Art class a few years back (I'd only just come into being interested in Loki then), part of our coarse work was to write an essay about two different artists and to analyse one of their works each.
I was being a rebel and chose Figurative as one of my mediums (most people choose either still life or fantasy and imagination, so I was a first in a long time to choose that).
I was given a list where I could choose my two figure artists from, about a hundred or so names.
Randomly, I picked Rackham, and started looking for a picture...and the first one that pops up is that one of Loki.
Cue friends laughing and saying that Loki must have caused that to happen, out of all the other artists to pick on the list it had to be that guy, and how I've not much choice but to write about that picture. And I did! A full extra 500 words on his picture alone (I was told later to cut it down to a sensible length, damn). So yeah, I've got fond memories with that illustration.

Anyways, along with Loki's picture, I printed off a picture of Yggdrasil which is now above my bed, and a list of runes and their meanings to keep in my folder of useful things.

It's still not as good or pretty as some altars I've seen (no room for sheep skulls, flowers or hundreds of crystals and candles) but it's getting there; the orange is so eye catching though, which I feel is what Loki likes the most about it - it can't be ignored! >:D

True, true

"Loki is indeed not your “average” trickster. In many ways, Odin himself is more like the traditional trickster than Loki is. Odin changes shape, deceives, lies, and tricks people far more often than Loki. Loki is more the sneaky, clever god of randomness than a true trickster. Odin teaches with lessons and challenges. Loki teaches with a swift kick to the groin." 
- Hound of Odin (via fornsed)
 I'll just leave this here :)