20 Aug 2011

Introduced to Njord

Mum and Dad went out yesterday, so I finally had the time to go for a walk around the neighborhood and to buy some snacks. It was pretty misty and damp, but funnily enough I was really happy about the weather. Sun and heat is all nice, but it feels like nothings happening. When it's raining or there's mist, it's a visible sign that nature is doing something; rain feels like all the bad energy is being washed away, and mist just screams to me that something is happening that needs to be hidden - like something out of a Victoria crime novel, with the black capes swirling in the London smog as a murder is committed.

I spent most of the walk thinking about Loki (nothing new, just musing away over things) and I reached the shop to get a bottle of Pepsi. As I was paying for the Pepsi, I just reached out and added bar of chocolate to my buys - no reason for it at all, and when I stepped outside I was shaking my head over why I did that. I don't even enjoy chocolate that much. 
Then I got that feeling in the back of my head, saying 'Give some to me when you get home'. I'm guessing it was Loki. But I did as I was told and gave him a line of chocolate on the altar.

And I got a dream visit last night in return! 

The first part of my dream was about me trying to find and readopt a dog (one I had in another dream) but when we did find him he bite me right through the cheek. 

But then, just like that, I was suddenly in a hall filled with plush cushioned sofas, a huge fireplace, skin rugs and a long table with chalices and plates all set out. The walls were semi transparent, and it showed me that it was on a beach, right next to the waterfront. It was not cold, so the walls were keeping the heat in, and if you didn't look too closely, it did look like the walls were solid. It had an warm glow about the place and all was so calm. 

I then saw Freyja (who was sprouting brown hair this time) lying on one of the sofas. Thor then appeared and was trying to place bracelets about her wrists. They were both laughing and giggling, trying to catch and run away from each other. Odin, who was standing, facing the fireplace softly scolded them, which Freyja called him boring with a smile, and Odin rolled his eyes and smiled back.

I was either looking through Loki's eye or he was near by were I couldn't see him, but I though Thor was acting rather out of character, so something has been niggling in my head, saying that Loki might have been shift shaping as him.

I then walked through the walls and found myself on the waterfront and the hall had vanished (but if I took a few sets back I would have been back into the hall, so I guess the hall was invisible from the outside)

There were other gods on the beach, looking out to the sea, which again, had an unearthly glow and was all white, greys and pale. It was round about sunset, after the sun had dipped over the horizon, but the sky was a grey/white, not dark or sunset colours like I expected it would have been.

I stepped up to the water and it surged powerfully at my feet, more so than a normal wave, and no matter how far back I jumped it still crawled forward. It didn't surge to the other gods littering about on the water front or behind us on the sand, just me.

I called out to the god of the sea (at first I was about to call out Kari's name, then I remembered it was Njord who is the god of the sea) and it resided back into normal waves and was calm again.

I then woke up and it's been raining with a mist all day. I don't know if Njord can control rain and mist, but it feels like it's him for some reason. So I can now add Njord to the gods/goddesses Loki's taken me to see.

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