11 Nov 2011

Ritual and Tarot

I've been going over and over the details for my offering to Sigyn tomorrow...today. It's also a full moon tonight, which is lovely - I'll have to ask out to Kari if he'll move the clouds out so we can see Mani through the window. It's been horrible weather for the past few days.

I've also been wondering where Loki has gone off to; is he just gone for the meantime? Is he waiting till Sigyn has taught me something before moving back in? What if he's really gone for good?

I think even if he's gone off me, I'll still leave offerings and pray; I would say I'm still a keen lover of the trickster even if he's left. I've had no clear indication from him as to if he's gone or not; besides from an absence, that even I can feel in my gut, saying he's not nearby. It makes me sad and tearful to think that he might have up and left...but like I said, he hasn't said he's passing me over to his wife so that could mean he's coming back.

For all I know he could have planned for us to have a 'girly get together' so we could sort out my issues for when he gets back - I have a small ounce of hope saying that is what's going on: Sigyn wants me to learn to have faith in something that looks impossible and to help heal up any wounds I might have reopened by mistake.
Whether it was Loki who asked Siygn for this or if it was Sigyn who insisted she'd be the one for this job, I don't know.

Times like these make me wish I could go to someone who does work with them and ask what's being said - but sadly all we have is normal psychics who do normal readings: no deity speakers, 'horses' or god workers here.

Speaking of readings: I did a tarot reading just now: I asked, in general, about this whole 'Loki leaving, Sigyn stepping up' event, and did it to the three card spread.

Past: King of Cups
Present: The Star
Future: 10 of Cups

And I then asked for Sigyn to give three things I need to do to improve myself (religiously).

1.  3 of Wands
2.  Knight of Swords
3.  The Chariot

Very interesting results....what more can I say.

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